Mystery on Fifth Avenue

I am totally in awe of the architect whose work is profiled in the New York Times today.
Architect Eric Clough was commissioned by a family to redesign their apartment. The father, Mr. Klinsky suggested the architect hide a poem he had written to his family in the walls of the apartment. This idea sparked a project that involved noted sculptors and writers to design an elaborate scavenger hunt in the apartment for the family of six to do together.
Such an amazing story with such intricate and elaborate details. Door knockers designed to come off doors, fit together to form a crank which opens a hidden compartment in a wall. Keys hidden in cubbies behind artwork which fit together to form magnetized cubes which open a series of panels which reveal the poem the father wrote for his family. Radiator grilles in each of the childrens’ bedrooms laser cut with a coded poem to each child. Amazing stuff. Read the article! Be sure to check out the slideshow as well.
Clogh designed a book which he hid in a wall panel to help the family through the scavenger hunt.