Aye to Zee

Although I am totally feeling the Jessica Kagan Cushman bangles I posted a few weeks ago, these Anthropologie A-to-Z Bangles are a worthy alternative. While Cushman’s are fossilized mammoth tusk, Anthro’s are paper wrapped wood. Plus, they’re on sale now for $19.99 each down from $38. Snatch ’em up while you can get ’em. (via FabSugar)
Anthropologie A-to-Z Bangles, $19.99 each.
I want to make them smaller and use them as napkin rings!!!
So cute, nice image, your blog is gorgeous, as always!
March 2nd, 2007i saw them at the 5th Ave Anthropologie for $9! They’re hiding out by the sale stuff.
March 5th, 2007you feature the best things! i have been out of the country traveling for a few months now, and i have to admit that i am going through anthropologie withdrawls! i logged onto the site the other day and fell in love with these, so graphic and fun!
March 9th, 2007