A Wonderful World

This caught my eye from the front page of Style.com… I just thought that it looked so elegant and simple. (Luria, I especially thought of you when I saw it!) Each EcoSphere is a self-regulating ecosystem enclosed in a glass sphere. Technology for these was developed by NASA and the ecosystems require no feeding (or cleaning!) other than exposure to natural sunlight. Each sphere contains seawater, red shrimp, and algae in addition to gravel, shells and gorgonia sprig. Would look especially beautiful in living rooms or offices.
Small EcoSphere, 4" sphere, $65. Extra-large EcoSphere, 9" sphere, $500.
This is so lovely, and so UNIQUE!
January 8th, 2007Very beautiful. I wish I lived inside one of these. I love little worlds.
January 8th, 2007wow, they are sooo beautiful. such a nice, interesting idea.
January 10th, 2007