West Elm Colored Glass Vases

Loved the color of these vases from West Elm… and the variety of shapes. Perfect way to tie a group of glass vessels together in a room is to have them in a similar hue. These are that perfect sort of blue. The vases come in a few more shades of blue as well as some yellows and greens. Gorgeous stuff from West Elm lately.
Colored Glass Vases, $9-$19.
Those would make a perfect collection, for sure. I really like the aqua hue of these. Thanks for sharing.
December 27th, 2006very very gorgeous stuff!! love the color, too! makes me think of summer…
December 28th, 2006that’s so funny, i purchased a collection of those vases yesterday morning, and saw it here tonight…they will beautifully complement this piece from alena hennessy i just ordered.
just found your blog, don’t know how i could have missed it! your passion is apparent
December 29th, 2006is it just me, or does that look like a noose in the background???
December 29th, 2006Lovely, vases.. and at such a nice price.
Thought of this site when I found this calender on Etsy.
January 1st, 2007I love how affordable and sleek West Elm is recently especially if you catch it around sale time.
These vases are really pretty especially if grouped in a cluster.
January 2nd, 2007mmmm….heaven. So spa.
January 8th, 2007