Audrey Hepburn Treasures
My fantastic sister got me this book for my birthday earlier this month and I’ve been a total slacker with posting it mostly because I just can’t find an image that will do this book justice. Audrey Hepburn Treasures is a gorgeously designed scrapbook featuring pages of glassine envelopes holding reproductions of Audrey Hepburn’s letters, premiere ticket stubs, pages from her scripts with her notes, birth announcements and over 200 photographs. The book goes through her life from a child growing up in Europe to her first film role in Roman Holiday. throughout her film career and ending with her charitable work for UNICEF. If you are a fan as I am, you must own this book. I can’t stop looking at it or pulling little mementos from the sleeves. You just have to see this.
Audrey Hepburn Treasures, $39.96
At $40, it seems like a steal! I want to see it.
October 24th, 2006she is such a doll!
October 25th, 2006oooh, looks wonderful!!!
October 25th, 2006That sounds really amazing. That should be a prototype for all of the icons.
October 29th, 2006I saw this book. It is really beautiful & may be the thing for Mom who adores Audrey, but who doesn’t? 🙂
November 3rd, 2006what a great photo of her on the cover. i adore her. thanks for letting us know about the book.
November 5th, 2006Amazing i have read it twice and i will read it again. She is so classy and is my idol an she always will be.
April 6th, 2007