United 93
I saw the film, United 93 yesterday morning. I felt that it was very well done and although it still is a very sensitive recent event for many Americans, I urge everyone to see it. I keep thinking about it and cannot find the words to tell you all about this movie… Gripping. Powerful. Heartfelt. Paul Greengrass has made a film unlike any other. The film is largely unscripted and many of the personnel from the FAA and the US military who were working on September 11th are in the film, playing themselves. The families of the victims of the flights gave consent for the movie to be made and extensive research was done to find out as many details about each passenger, down to their clothing and what they may have been reading that day. Many of the flight attendants and the pilots are actual working attendants and pilots. The movie itself has not left my mind and thought I’d post it here today.
Edit: I read a wonderful review in today’s New York Magazine by David Edelstein.
Check in for Flight 93 at Newark International Airport.