Squeaky Clean
Love Made Visible has a new look! Kind of. I’ve made just a few changes around here. As much as I’ve loved using Blogger over the years (Since 2001!) I recently discovered the joy of using WordPress through Nirali. Please take a look around. Some of the new features include: categories (26 to be exact!), forward and back buttons on each post page so going back to the index isn’t necessary, and an integrated search feature to find past posts easily.
Of course none of this would not be possible if it wasn’t for the fabulous Arun Kale who coded this custom theme for me. Blogger templates I can handle but PHP? Scary! Thanks so much to Arun.
Please let me know what you think in the comments. (Especially if you have browser issues.) Hope you like it!
i love the new blog design. soo pretty.
November 15th, 2006Congrats! Gorgeous as usual.
November 15th, 2006Love it! I’m just a lurker and love your picks..cheers!
November 15th, 2006Love the new look. I especially love the font! Can you share the name?
November 15th, 2006not to be a big meanie, but I preferred your previous CLEAN, airy layout. It looked sophisticated and mature in contrast to most of the garish blogs out there. It seemed to perfectly compliment the aesthetics of the things you always proclaim to love. I just don’t quite get this and I’m only commenting because you asked for a reaction.
November 15th, 2006hey priya, i like the layout! i think it’s still clean looking but love the addition of categories, it’s super helpful if you’re someone like me that doesn’t bookmark things i like and get annoyed when i can’t find them easily 🙂
one maybe issue is that in my firefox, the top of the letters in “love made visible” are NOT actually…visible (stupid pun!) I can only see the bottom halves of the letters. this might be a design thing though, in which case carry on!
November 16th, 2006oh wait, it’s in IE too, so it’s probably supposed to be like that? sorry i’m design stupid.
November 16th, 2006Priya, I love what you’ve made visible. My only concern is font related.
The beauty of the script font you’re using to title daily posts is lost in the smaller size; Also difficult to read at times (depending on the letter combinations).
The main heading LOVE MADE VISIBLE might be enhanced by applying the beautiful script font there. Save the Sans Serif CAPS for the daily post titles. It easy to read and beautifully simple.
I love you and cupcakes.
November 16th, 2006Love the new design and I am a big fan of wordpress, too. Having categories is so great!
November 16th, 2006Gorgeous! Soooo gorgeous!
November 19th, 2006I found your blog through Domino- I love the style! It all looks fantastic and you always post links to wonderful artists that I haven’t yet discovered….
December 26th, 2006