Mahar Dry Goods
I received a wonderful email from Robert Mahar of Mahar Dry Goods and after visiting the shop I had to post about it. The items available are all handcrafted by artists, designers and crafters for children. There are some really luscious things available… I especially love all the stuff that’s done in felt. One of my favorites is the Celebration Suitcase that contains a felt piece of cake, a little plush “I Eat Cake” monster from Fishcakes and a gorgeous one-of-a-kind card made from vintage children’s book illustrations. Beautiful!
Clockwise from top left: Celebration Suitcase, Vol. I, $38. Sweetnellie Elephant, $60. Lilly Bean Play Food, Brown Bag Lunch, $34. I Scream Rattle, $24.
Don’t you just love Mahar? I posted about this shop last week or so and just kept going back – I finally ordered the Celebration Suitcase for my daughter!
July 12th, 2006